Forums/ The 7th Continent/ General14 posts
I just found this card and have no smartphone to actually use it.

I seem to remember in the KS campaign there would be a way to access the content without it, if that's true, how is that done?

If it's not, can someone please just spoil the content for me?

Does the card not have writing with a bonus to use instead of the app?
Posted - Edited
There's a brown box bonus, sure, but that's not the same thing as the app gives you I'm sure. I'd just like to know exactly what I'm missing. This has left a pretty sour taste in my mouth to be honest, it's the only design choice they've made that I really disagree with.
So you are mad that they gave you something for free?
There are probably a lot people who do not care for the soundtrack at all, but I do not see them complaining that they got that too.
flag_curse_sm VG: icon_succes PoC: icon_succes IM: icon_succes
CS card_pick009: icon_succes, card_pick123: icon_succesicon_succes
VotE icon_succes SoM icon_succes
Posted - Edited
As every parent says at some point, I'm not angry I'm just disappointed...

But beside that, I'm not getting something for free, I'm being excluded from something that most people get, based on an arbitrary criteria. If they'd said that the 5% of tallest backers will miss out on some content, they'd probably feel the same.

And it's not so much the missing out, it's not knowing what I'm actually missing. It's like walking into a room, and your big brother is chewing, you ask what they're eating and they say "Nothing..."

There's a fairly good chance I won't actually care about what I'm missing, but not actually knowing makes me feel rubbish.

Since I got the game I've been playing basically every evening, a few hours each day for the last few days. Last night I found that card and all the enthusiasm just drained from me and I just went "Oh" and stopped playing for the day.

So to repeat the first comment:

"I seem to remember in the KS campaign there would be a way to access the content without it, if that's true, how is that done?

If it's not, can someone please just spoil the content for me?"
Posted - Edited
Hello !

I just find the official answer in the KS comment (from Update #52) :
"Serious Poulp" wrote:
Hi guys,
Although this is still « work in progress », rest assured that :
1. the “All-seing eye” Item will have a side effect for players who don’t have a mobile device and/or don’t want to download an App
2. it only concerns about 4 / 5 Terrain cards in the game and nothing crucial for your gaming experience.

So, I think you will only access the "hidden" content with a spoiler from another player.
For the moment, it's impossible for me to help you because I have not met the Eye. And many people have not received their box yet. Be patient and you'll know. :-)
resource_fire Firebird resource_fire (ma ludothèque)
T7Continent : icon_succes DV, OG, LG --- icon_curse SI, [CD+SI] --- icon_success-left Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- card_type_temporary_event [SI+TS]
T7Citadel : card_type_temporary_event
Ok thanks for that, I hope it's just something like seeing some cool animations on cards or whatever. That I can live without!

Hopefully someone will be able to spoil it for me!
play with a friend who has a smartphone
Like the "hidden number" mechanic, it reveals a card that you would not otherwise have found. Specifically: (one example)

Card 905
schleima wrote:
Like the "hidden number" mechanic, it reveals a card that you would not otherwise have found. Specifically: (one example)

Card 905

could you help me find the card with the code pls :'(
To find the "All Seeing Eye" :
Go Fishing

Further spoilers:
One of the new 002 cards lets you draw a 589 which has a 50-50 chance of being the app.
IthilAlqua wrote:
To find the "All Seeing Eye" :
Go Fishing

Further spoilers:
One of the new 002 cards lets you draw a 589 which has a 50-50 chance of being the app.

oh thanks
Posted - Edited
Hi, [ I solved the question by myself.]

I don't know how the 7th Continent app works. Someone can put some examples about what Cards have additional information readable with the app?
: For example the card 319.

Is it only necessary to focus the card with the smart-phone? or Do we need to do some thing?
: You need only focus all card ( four squares ) into the cam and the special effects will happen.

Thanks a lot.
Posted - Edited
--- After several requests from players, I summarize here everything there is to know (inspired by a message from Kiba, thanks to him). Feel free to share when necessary. ATTENTION: this is NOT an official communication but just a feedback from my personal observations. ---

The Seeing Eye : a smartphone application for The 7th Continent

History: a useful application?
During the development of The 7th Continent, Serious Poulp wanted to test an interactive feature (augmented reality). So they created a dedicated application that brought a little extra that was very optional, without changing the gaming experience.
This application had trouble passing the Store requirements (Apple and Android). Then, SP noticed the problems related to the different phones, then the obsolescence of the phone models and the changes imposed by the Stores over time.
Quite quickly, SP probably had to conclude that the experiment was a failure: too time-consuming and expensive for a very, very limited gaming contribution. It is unlikely that maintenance will be launched to put an updated version back online.

What was the application for?
- You could listen to the game's music.

- It also offered the possibility of "scanning" the Terrain cards in the hope of discovering a small animation, which was a sign of a specific treasure not far away.
Once the right Terrain was found, the application asked you to draw a card card_pick.
Only 3 Terrain cards triggered this little bonus.

How to do without the application?
- The music is available for listening and downloading here on the official website:

- Here are the 3 Terrain cards concerned by the application. If your figurine is located on one of these Terrains, you can open the Spoiler tag and draw the corresponding card.
  • Terrain card n°
    ---> Draw card n°
  • Terrain card n°
    ---> Draw card n°
  • Field Card #
    ---> Draw card #

An "analog" version, with cards to print (unfortunately with low quality), was made by a fan: it's a very clever alternative, available HERE.

Have a good game! Keep your eyes open! ;-)
resource_fire Firebird resource_fire (ma ludothèque)
T7Continent : icon_succes DV, OG, LG --- icon_curse SI, [CD+SI] --- icon_success-left Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- card_type_temporary_event [SI+TS]
T7Citadel : card_type_temporary_event
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ General14 posts