Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Errors on the game1 message |
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Once you
repair the camp at 161 you get a permanent event which has 2+/0 to take a 000 card, and also -1 and/or when performing a action My roommate and I found an exploit: If we do the action together, we can reduce the action to 0/2. This combined with the that the camp gives us would allow us to take the action for free an unlimited number of times. This would essentially allow us to go through the entire Advanced Skill deck and choose exactly which Advanced Skill cards we wanted to buy, with no drawbacks. Was this intentional? Is there something we missed that would have stopped us from doing it? Thanks. (I guess a simple fix would be to lock the action at 2/0 (or 3/0 to take the bonus from the camp into account) 1/7: VG 2017-09-07 |
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Errors on the game1 message |
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