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1/7: VG 2017-09-07

And also, what is the picture on the "What Goes Up" expansion box supposed to be?
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I think a better wording would have been to have the card say
"turn the wheel to the snake/bat" (instead of "towards") Posté
Thank you.
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(Posted before in a different section but didn't get any responses)
Once you repair the camp at 161 you get a permanent event which has ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My roommate and I found an exploit: If we do the action together, we can reduce the cost of the action to ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This seemed to me like a huge exploit because at all other places where you can take an action to take a 000 card, a cost associated with it that makes it impractical to do multiple times in a row it's completely free Was it intentional? Was there something we missed that would have stopped us from doing it? Thanks. (I guess a simple fix would be to lock the action at ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the bonus that the card gives for a ![]() Posté
There's a
key to the chest could never find a way to avoid setting off the trap on the chest Posté
To clarify:
And, as krbj referred to, you can also lose if all characters are involved in an action that results in "Your adventure is over." Posté
Also: when you took a "poisoned" card while you already had one, did you remember to return the "poisoned" card that you already had?
I have not found the
well Posté
So far I've found
2 places with the "goat horns" pictograph: gold 206 and 165 Posté - Edité
Do you mean
1 card away 1 ![]() 208 or 203 or 123 Posté - Edité
1. On card E1275 (one of the green 500s), one of the results has you
banish a 424 card when you are instructed to banish a card from the box, you must banish the card without looking at it requires you to count the numbed of banished "Repentance" cards. I peeked at the banished 424 card (sorry) and it was a "Repentance" card, so I counted it. But if you're not allowed to look at the cards that were banished directly from the box, how are you supposed to know that the banished 424 card a "Repentance" card without peeking? And are you supposed to count it for the gold 500? have E1275 say "take a 424 card, then banish it," or have E1275 say "take a 424 card" and have 424 say "banish this" 2. Do you ever get to look at card 424 peeked at it and I don't think it make sense that you don't get to look at it when you banish it, because the flavor text on it directly relates to what you did in order to banish it 3. Does the fact that the gold 500 is a ![]() The way we played was: 1. when we drew the gold 500, we flipped the 424 card in the banished cards pile and counted it 2. same as #1 3. it doesn't Posté
The puzzle that looks like
four stone carvings of flower petals around the numerals 1 and 2 with a large empty flower-shaped space in between I don't need an actual hint on how to solve the puzzle. I just want a hint towards where to find the solution. It's been driving me crazy because I've come across it many times and every time I've just done the action instead because I couldn't figure out how to solve it. Posté - Edité
Once you
repair the camp at 161 you get a permanent event which has ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My roommate and I found an exploit: If we do the action together, we can reduce the action to ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() that the camp gives us would allow us to take the action for free an unlimited number of times. This would essentially allow us to go through the entire Advanced Skill deck and choose exactly which Advanced Skill cards we wanted to buy, with no drawbacks. Was this intentional? Is there something we missed that would have stopped us from doing it? Thanks. (I guess a simple fix would be to lock the action at ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posté
I am in Philadelphia, PA. My roommate and I have beaten The Voracious Goddess and are going to start An Offering to the Guardians tonight!
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The flavor text on card 256 says (emphasis mine):
Swimming seems to be the only way to leave this inlet by sea. Should it say islet instead? Posté - Edité
The rules (page 12) say:
You may freely combine any half-stars visible on the revealed cards as long as both their cards are facing the same way, in order to construct full gold stars. I have two questions: 1) Does "freely" mean that if I draw two cards that each have both a left half and a right half of a star (but neither has a full star), I can combine each card's left half with the other card's right half to get 2 successes? 2) Does "you may" mean that if I have a skill test that for one reason or another I want to fail, and I draw two cards and one has only a left half and the other has only a right half, I can choose not to combine the star halves and end up with 0 successes? Posté
Whoa I love the adventurers!
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On card 000, the word "return" appears twice. One is in blue and one is bold and underlined. The word "return" isn't written with any special formatting on any of the other cards. I know in the print-and-play the words "discard," "banish," "flip," and "return" were all in bold or had some other special formatting, but it looks like they got rid of the special formatting everywhere except on card 000. Was this intentional, or was it just an oversight?