Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign10 messages |
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Updated card list is available in the Downloads section.
You can find out interesting things by looking at it. Of course, if you don't want to know anything, don't read this. First some non-spoilery stuff:
Now let's look at the numbers that are present in WGUMCD and also in the base game. There are more of some well-known numbers, to increase variability. Then there are duplicates of several terrain cards all around the continent. These are probably not alternative cards but white "cloud" cards used to land your balloon on the original terrain. There is one more thing I noticed which I cannot interpret, but still consider quite a spoiler: The "The End" card for each existing curse seems to have an alternate (?) version in WGUMCD ! Posté - Edité
Interesting info!
Duplicated terrain numbers are probably mostly but not exclusively the cloud cards. Some of the KS updates talk about adding alternative terrain cards. Excited about the variant Ends. I wonder if that's a mechanic or just some alternate flavor snippets to add a little bit of a reason to replay them. Either way I'm happy. Posté
OK, about that last big spoiler:
VG: Probably an alternate ending for Fogg and Passerpout, since they're in the original ending. Forbidden Sanctuary: Milton is mentioned, so maybe an alternate end for Anjika? That would be nice since I didn't love the end of this curse. Anyway, those are my wild speculations! Posté
About the last spoiler
I think they are for immortal mode There every time you die, you need to remove the green version of on of the end cards VG: PoC: IM: CS 009: , 123: VotE SoM Posté
To make reading the list easier I created a sort and filterable list here VG: PoC: IM: CS 009: , 123: VotE SoM Posté
Thank you JackSpirio !
Firebird (ma ludothèque) T7Continent : DV, OG, LG --- SI, [CD+SI] --- Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- [SI+TS] T7Citadel : Posté - Edité
JackSpiro's guess is correct. Posté - Edité
Thanks for that great list of 1927 cards!
I made a card type breakdown from it: I think that will make some sleeving calculators happy (myself, I'll continue to sleeve everything except "Adventure - other" like I've done with the original set and old expansions, do as you please). There might be some new "hot" numbers in the "Adventure - other" section that should get their own heading, but I don't know yet, haven't unpacked my cards yet. But it shouldn't change very much, get an extra pack of 50 sleeves and you'll be safe. :) If you want to check my calculations, you can see them here: Posté
There are some new states in WGUMCD, card numbers
750, 800 I decided to sleeve 777 and 888 modes, so they are easy to find. I got my game yesterday, already done with sleaving I also sleeve other minor groups, as a matter of personal preference 30, 49, 91, 97, 172, 310, 333, 450, 463 350, 500 As for the original topic - I'm really looking forward to the new 91, 172, 310 |
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign10 messages |
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