Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points4 messages
Let's say I have a maximum number of allowed skill cards in my hand, and one of those skills allows me to craft an item. I choose to craft the item and in order to do so successfully, I must draw one card from the action deck. I draw said card from the action deck and place it face down on the table. At this point, is the item crafted? I'm asking because if it is not crafted at this point, then when I reveal the card I pulled from the action deck, the item I am in the process of crafting still takes up a spot in my hand, correct?

Assuming the card I drew from the action deck was an item skill, would the correct order be:
  1. reveal the card pulled from the action deck
  2. choose to discard a card from my hand since I am now over my hand size
  3. place my newly crafted item in my inventory

or, would the correct order be:
  1. place my newly crafted item in my inventory because the craft action was successful
  2. reveal the card I drew from the action deck
  3. place the revealed item skill into my hand

In other words, at what stage of crafting an item do I reveal the card I drew from the action deck and at which point do I assess hand size and discard? I hope my question is clear.
I think I figured it 12 of the rulebook, bullet point #4:

They may add the card to their hand or the hand of another player involved in the action, even if the card exceeds the hand size limit.

So I can add the card I draw to my hand, which puts me over the hand size limit. Then, during the consequence step of the turn my item is crafted at which point it moves from my hand and into my inventory. Lastly, I move to the hand size limit step, at which point I discard if I'm above the limit.

Can someone confirm that I am correctly interpreting the rules around this?
flag_curse_sm VG: icon_succes PoC: icon_succes IM: icon_succes
CS card_pick009: icon_succes, card_pick123: icon_succesicon_succes
VotE icon_succes SoM icon_succes
resource_fire Firebird resource_fire (ma ludothèque)
T7Continent : icon_succes DV, OG, LG --- icon_curse SI, [CD+SI] --- icon_success-left Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- card_type_temporary_event [SI+TS]
T7Citadel : card_type_temporary_event
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points4 messages