Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign41 messages
I believe I read that another kickstarter is planned in August?

Im excited as I can hopefully pick up some game elements I couldn't get last kickstarter.

However, I thought it would be a good idea to make some suggestions to Serious Pulp for kickstarter ideas that the backers would want.

Here are a couple of my ideas.

1. A $1 level to get all the replacment cards for those that have been found to have errors. (as per the errata section).

2. A replacement/alternative idea cards pile that can be swapped out (the main 30 card deck). I feel once Ive played the game long enough I'll have memorised all the skill cards and will know what cards are worth keeping.
However, it would be nice to be able to get a fresh set of idea cards for future games. It will feel like the game is fresh again.

I hope people can add some of their ideas as well.
2nd KS this fall. So possible to deploy it until 20th of december ;-)

1. A lot of people proposed. Sure SP will plan something, but it will highly depend of the number of 'fix'. So far, only 2 minor issues.

2. Remember the advanced skills will complete more and more the base skill deck.
Citadel multiple_version 1/3 sandglass 26h --- Continent flag_curse_sm 12/12 sandglass 100h
Créations: flag_curse_sm La Chambre Oubliée icon_journal Curieux Observateur
Du fanmade pour 7th Citadel ? Bien sur que j'y travaille ;-)
I could imagine some alternative cards for the starting areas, those you would propably see the most each time you start a new game so there is some uncertainty even for 1000+ hours players :P
SaturnNitrik a écrit :
2nd KS this fall. So possible to deploy it until 20th of december ;-)

2. Remember the advanced skills will complete more and more the base skill deck.

Hang on....I just had a thought......Do advanced skills remain in the skill deck between sessions?
Posté - Edité
Thefieryphoenix a écrit :
Hang on....I just had a thought......Do advanced skills remain in the skill deck between sessions?

Between sessions of a game, yes.
Between games, no.

(FAQ incoming... :action_craft: )
resource_fire Firebird resource_fire (ma ludothèque)
T7Continent : icon_succes DV, OG, LG --- icon_curse SI, [CD+SI] --- icon_success-left Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- card_type_temporary_event [SI+TS]
T7Citadel : card_type_temporary_event
Yeh, thats what I thought.

Its been perhaps 10 hours in my most recent game and we have bought maybe 5-6 advanced skills cards. Not enough to really affect point 2. And also each new game goes back to the original deck.
Posté - Edité
Some tips for the future KS regarding the exclusives: the catacombs sollution:
If I understood correct the campaign would be for a new (larger) expansion, so the stretch goals would also go in to the expansion. Backers would just get the option to add on the base set and the former expansions to their pledge (for the new expansion).

So they could:

  • Create a new base box without the KS exclusives that is completely ready for retail. as wel for the base set as for the new expansions.
  • Then make two new cheap tiny boxes. one with the old KS exclusives from the first campaign and one with the exclusives from the second campagin. That way they can sell the box with KS exclusives to the new backers and give the second box with exclusives from the stretch goals for the second KS campaign to all the correct backers. It would help if they didn't include the KS exclusive in the base box of the expansion. This makes the expansion retail ready as well.
  • Create a third tiny box with updated cards for the errors that we can back.

so the available boxes in the second KS would become this:
  • basic pledge:
    1. new large expansion in retail ready box
    2. (for free) the new KS exclusive
  • larger pledge:
    1. new large expansion in retail ready box
    2. (for free) the new KS exclusive
    3. some new expansions for the larger expansion or the base box

  • add on's:
    1. base box (retail)
    2. box with first KS exclusives (20€ or something)
    3. box with errata cards and/or updated cars
    4. 6 old expansions (swamp, icy maze, sanctuary, elements, time, devouerers)
    5. maybe some other new smaller expansions

This avoids some future problems and complaints some backers have and solves the retail ready problem. KS exclusives stay exclusive to backers on KS and are not retail available. Whenever they do a third KS they can sell both boxes with KS exclusives. It grants people the possibility of completing their game when they buy a game at retail and stimulates future KS campaigns by SP.
Now I know they game changed a lot since the last KS campaign in as much that some cards aren't even there anymore. This also means that SP can choose which cards get to be KS exclusives in the packets (us backers won't know which cards they were).

I also like the idea's of replacement sets for the idea's and or the action deck, that could be a new smaller expansion.
:flag_curse_sm: : 0/7 :icon_curse: : 2 :action_think: : 12h (6 sessions)
I would totally buy the errata cards (and new expansions) :)
Falco20019 a écrit :
I would totally buy the errata cards (and new expansions) :)

It will be possible to buy the errata pack with the next kickstarter and on the website (coming soon).
Source : BrunoS
7/12 :flag_curse_sm: reste : WGUMCD(\VT\CC)+DV+TS
7 :icon_curse:(2 DV-1 SI-1 CD-1 OG-1 PV-1 PN) 101h :action_think:
Armaggedon en cours ! :w00t::sandglass:
I preface this comment by saying that I haven't yet revived my copy of the game, so if anything I mention is already in there I am unaware.

I would like to see a desert expansion. Part of the challenge would be that there is little food with which to replace action cards so husbanding them becomes even more important.

I also like the idea of a boat or maybe a submarine (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea style) but I can see that that sort of biome could be very difficult to work into the mechanics.
Bigger minis, covers for card boxes, and expansion cards get a symbol printed on them so they are easier to distinguish from base cards. TY!
chrisdoob a écrit :
expansion cards get a symbol printed on them so they are easier to distinguish from base cards. TY!

They already are distinguishable by the first letter of their printed ID

A: Base Box
B: The Icy Maze
C: The Forbidden Sanctuary
and so on
:flag_curse_sm: : 5/7
  • fixed errata cards
  • new expansions
  • BGG / TricTrac promo cards
  • flash cards for the back of the holders
  • empty box for expansions
  • empty card trays for sleeved cards
Most important to me: Errata cards, new expansion content, and extra storage space (I'm not sleeving everything, but I'm sleeving more than the suggested cards).

In addition to everything already mentioned, I'm liking the differences in characters a lot more than I expected - I would definitely like more characters to play (I also feel like more female characters would be nice).

  • pledge for 1st campaign backers, with just new and corrected content
  • fixed errata cards
  • BGG / TricTrac promo cards
  • new expansions
  • new characters
  • flash cards for the back of the holders
  • empty box for expansions
  • empty card trays for sleeved cards
I love all of the ideas so far.

I'd like to see:

Option to purchase plastic divider cards. Of all the wear and tear on the cards, it's the dividers themselves that are showing real signs of use after a few games.

I might just be supremely lazy, but I'd love an automatic card shuffler for this size of cards (Maybe a 3D printed, as a SG to unlock an add-on?) I find myself constantly shuffling and it would be awesome to be able to just throw a pile of cards in the shuffler and let it do the work.
I Wonder if SP (or jamie) have read these/this topic.
:flag_curse_sm: : 0/7 :icon_curse: : 2 :action_think: : 12h (6 sessions)
Simple one from me, I'd like a divider for Character Skills to go between the Skill and Advanced Skills divider. That way you can just grab the whole skills deck out without having to sort it. Have made my own out of card for now, but an official one would be nice.

Obviously the errata'd cards and lots more curses and expansions, but I don't think anyone is going to say no to that.
WISHLIST for 2nd CAMPAIGN (pledge / stretch goats / addon)

  • pledge for 1st campaign backers, with just new and corrected content
  • fixed errata cards
  • BGG / TricTrac promo cards
  • 1st campaign P&P preview as a promo and adapted to the final version of the game
  • new expansions
  • new characters
  • flash cards for the back of the holders
  • divider for character skills
  • empty box for expansions
  • empty card trays for sleeved cards
  • option to purchase plastic divider cards
kar86 a écrit :
I Wonder if SP (or jamie) have read these/this topic.

It would be really nice to know if they are taking this into account or not. :blink:
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign41 messages