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I would like more dividers, but with the rising tabs only one quater width of a normal tab.
Specifically for 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 and 108. And 001, 002, 003, 004. And 51, 201, 251, 301, 351. Because it will make it easier to find the cards that i find im using all the time. This is more a QOL idea. Posted - Edited
Heres how the cards work.
The green cards have the two diamonds -> green to gold symbol. ![]() This means banish the green card and replace with the gold card. So, saving the game wont return the good hunting spots. Once you have done them once, they will always remain gold (except for multiple green cards) and will always be difficult hunting grounds. However, saving will return all the animals cards. The ones you have hunted and have then discarded. They replenish the animals and allow you better options when hunting. I wouldve thought the green cards should return, thematically, but according to the rules, they dont. Edit Moderator : picto added Posted
Ahhh. Thanks. Completely forgot that rule.
Posted - Edited
This card is a temporary event
used in the curse 'the dark chest of the damned' The rules states a temporary event card must be discarded into the past. Because there is only 1 of these cards, you can only open the box once before saving the game and returning the past to the box. Is this the intended way of playing this curse? Otherwise, the card should say to return it to the box. Edit Moderator : [Checked No Error] Posted
Situation can actually occur quite often as
every idol allows you to sacrifice a card with the word stamina or food. (counting 3 so far...but i suspect every idol is a variation of it) And if you know when to build your items it easy to place the woven basket first. (this is most likely in single player mode) And it not the woven basket that gets the uses. Imagine a single player game. This is close to my current setup. The setup is as follows. Woven basket Panpipes wooden flute...(idk it name but there is a flute you can find with serenity tag) Bird whistle....you can get from experience points That four items, plus an extra 3 due to woven basket. You can keep generating durability indefinitely. Is it worth it? For that setup it sure is. And you can still add 2 more useful items into it and still keep regenerating durability, just a bit slower. Posted
Well, let say you have a woven basket (top card) (serenity/stamina) and panpipes (music/serenity), down to 1 durability.
You then get 3 food (food/stamina), and the durability goes up to 4 with woven basket, panpipes, and 3 x food. Then you go to card 122 and pray, drawing a 238 card. While this card is shown, you can discard 1 card with the word food to do a 'offer' action. You then get 3 x 003 cards. Because it is an action on an adjacent card, you can perform it repeatedly. This then leaves you with woven basket and panpipes sitting at durability 4. I dont know if this is intended but its how the rules read to play that situation. Posted - Edited
card 214 has a southbound terrain card of 264. This card, 264, has a hidden number 141, to show the track back north. I suggest it would be better for card 214 to lead directly to card 141, rather than to 264. Edit Moderator : [Checked No Error] Posted - Edited
There seems to be the following error on this card.
card 90, sneak action, has success draw a 186 card. This card has no turtle on it, and the look action shows you eggs. The fail result of draw a 95 card (turtle escapes) does have a turtle in the card, and the look action allow you to spot turtles. It seems to me the success/fail results should swap the card numbers. I.e. you sneak successfully, and the turtles are still on the island. You dont sneak, and they disappear, leaving their eggs. Edit Moderator : [Checked No Error] Posted
The durability and discarding cards can lead to some interesting scenarios.
For example, woven basket with three food has a durability of 4. Discard the 3 food cards at certain situations (there are some situations which can discard food cards). You are then left with a woven basket with 4 durability. If you add another item that has uses, such as the panpipes (serenity?). You can then keep increasing the durability of the panpipes by hunting food and discarding them (from the specific action that says you can). Just an odd situation that can occur. Posted
Yeh, thats what I thought.
Its been perhaps 10 hours in my most recent game and we have bought maybe 5-6 advanced skills cards. Not enough to really affect point 2. And also each new game goes back to the original deck. Posted
SaturnNitrik wrote: 2nd KS this fall. So possible to deploy it until 20th of december Hang on....I just had a thought......Do advanced skills remain in the skill deck between sessions? Posted
For some reason thus forum topic overruns the right side of the screen (on my phone).
Idk if its worth checking if theres a website formatting issue? Posted
I believe I read that another kickstarter is planned in August?
Im excited as I can hopefully pick up some game elements I couldn't get last kickstarter. However, I thought it would be a good idea to make some suggestions to Serious Pulp for kickstarter ideas that the backers would want. Here are a couple of my ideas. 1. A $1 level to get all the replacment cards for those that have been found to have errors. (as per the errata section). 2. A replacement/alternative idea cards pile that can be swapped out (the main 30 card deck). I feel once Ive played the game long enough I'll have memorised all the skill cards and will know what cards are worth keeping. However, it would be nice to be able to get a fresh set of idea cards for future games. It will feel like the game is fresh again. I hope people can add some of their ideas as well. Posted
What about having some sort of camp/rest/guard action that can be taken anytime. (except of terrain with the red circle with a line through it symbol)
Any player may double their inventory space while stationed on a single terrain card. This would allow them to hold food and eat it without moving, and without loosing their equipment if fully stacked. But if they want to move, they need to reduce their inventory down to the required value. I feel this would be more realistic. But how much it affects the desired outcome of the game i dont know yet. Would need a lot more gameplay hours to say. Posted
The relevant items cards do say to place the fire token on the terrain.
However, before you start the game, and before looking at any cards you will be thinking, what do these fire tokens do? Its not until you begin playing and finally draw the correct card that you understand. This is not ideal as players like to know the rules before beginning, because someone will ask "how do i place my fire token", and wont be able to find an answer. Posted
A card has the following text:
during the result step, you may choose up to 2 of the revealed skull cards and shuffle them back into the action deck as if you had not revealed them This card is card number: 340: Glowing The question: Rules page 12 state that it is during the result step when a skull card is revealed, you end the game. If you only have the discard pile left, this card indicates if you do the action it relates to, and draw a skull card, you can then create a new action deck from that skull card, and not die ('as if it had not been revealed') Just want to clarify that this is the interpretation of the text, or whether it is meant to only apply to cards drawn from the action deck, and not from the discard pile. Posted
Page 20, under relinquishing an item, it says "it is not allowed to deconstruct an item voluntarily by just discarding one card from an item that is made up of multiple cards, unless part of the effect of the item."
If a card says you can "discard a card from your hand or inventory with the word will on it" do we: (using the walking stick and bow example) 1. Discard the bow card - as it is a single card, under the rules that card text overrides the rulebook, page 5. 2. Discard both bow and walking stick card, because they are joined and when it says card, it considers them one card together. I suspect option 1 but wanted confirmation. Additional question, can we do the following: A variation of option 1, we discard the walking stick card (top card). This means the bow becomes the top card and gets the durability dice of 6 (page 20). Posted
Interestingly, your comment highlighted a rule it seems i misunderstood, though not relevant entirely to the question.
I thought you could only combine cards with the same keyword, and can increase durability. A re-read of the rules I now understand the misunderstanding. Anyway, from the hunt card, the consequence is draw 5 'meat' cards. You draw the 5 cards. As they are an item card, we refer to the rules on page 15. They must add it to their inventory, give to another player involved, or discard it. However, page 20 discusses relinquishing an item, which can occur at any time. Which means you can discard one of the items in your inventory, then create the meat you just picked up. This is how I feel the rules read. In terms of spirit of the game, my opinion is you should be able to eat the meat for free if you do so immediately. For example, in real life you have a carcass in front of you. You can put your item on the ground, eat, and pick up your items again. Thoughts? Posted
Yeh. I found that. I was just thinking a little bit more information might be helpful, thats all.
After reading the rules it appears there is no mention of the fire tokens except that they provide the fire resource when standing on that square.
I think that it would be good to have a section which says something along the lines of. "Each player gets a fire token during the game. These fire tokens can be placed on a terrain card when fire is made. (specific cards will tell you when you can make a fire). This also provides the fire resource while standing on that terrain card. When you run out of fire tokens, placing another one requires you to remove a previously placed fire token." This is because first time playing im asking myself, what do these fire tokens do? Can i make them whenever i want? How do they work? Etc. .. And couldnt find anything in the rules. |