Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Card effect10 posts

I just want to check if the above card is correct, the first check is a Must Take Action of Take/Handle, it lists Action cards 0+ and Gold Stars 0, is this correct?
I don’t see the card, is it just me?
But if it is what you describe, then you can just take that action and auto succeed
There are often ways like that
flag_curse_sm VG: icon_succes PoC: icon_succes IM: icon_succes
CS card_pick009: icon_succes, card_pick123: icon_succesicon_succes
VotE icon_succes SoM icon_succes
Can't see the card either.
It's from the
Crystal Song

It is correct, there are several reasons to do it this way. There are cards that
raise the card cost or the required successes
for any action, also this is the usual way in 7th Continent to give you two options you have to choose from.

The action cost of 0+/0 is found on many cards, for example on the cloud side of the exploration cards.
I still do not understand why a important Quest card would be 0+/0.
If you compare the investment to get this card with the other cards, it's not that difficult to understand (imho):

You have to hunt successfully at a golden hunting place, and then you have to be lucky enough to draw this card. And if you take it, you have not gotten any food from that hunting action.
And don't even try to hunt bloody - it may be the only non-predator you find.
OK I understand now.
I have just had a thought from your last answer,
When the hunting card says take 1 card from the hunt, it does not have to be a card that you gain food from, it can be any card that you draw.
Obviously, how would you take the other cards then?
flag_curse_sm VG: icon_succes PoC: icon_succes IM: icon_succes
CS card_pick009: icon_succes, card_pick123: icon_succesicon_succes
VotE icon_succes SoM icon_succes
Yes, you take a card of the specified number and follow the instructions of that card, sometimes just taking other cards (like food or XP) or facing other actions to do.
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Card effect10 posts