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I think it's easier to reformulate the Ambush effect then. E. g. Ambush: ignore the selected cards' effects during the first Gear up step. This way the Ignore Ambush effect can be activated first.
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Firebird a écrit : If we hypothesize that a card in Hand can be activated several times, then free cards (which do not need to be blocked or discarded, and remain permanently) could trigger their effects infinitely. I didn't mention infinite numbers of activation. I said activate several times for each discarded card (so 2-3 times). Thanks. Posté
Some skill cards in your hand makes you discard another in your hand as cost for its effect. Question: Can I use the effect several times if I keep discarding other from my hand? OR the effect can be activated only once?
So the general rule is that weight of blocked cards still counts, because you still have to carry with you your broken items. BUT. There is this purse card "Carniflower" which explicitly says when blocked it is
planted in the Citadel during the Preparation phase Posté
This card has action modifier
Ignore Ambush Posté
You return the game to the state as it was before your first threat.
What makes this process infinite? You can repeat this as many times as many Glimmer of Hopes you have, which is definitely not infinite.
TimeLordXT a écrit : is the answer of this card to be specified dialogue or card? Nope, see the other thread if you need the solution LINK Posté - Edité
I'm not sure if this is the correct answer and how to be sure about it. Usually a solution is a numbered card with on it indicating that the answer is correct. Here is nothing such like this. Just "if you know the answer...".
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So there is this book The exploits of the Amber Knight-volume 1, which is a quest to find out
how to kill a certain monster. another book titled Restless sleeping boy milk must be poured on that monster to defeat it EDIT: beware, last spoiler contains the correct solution! Posté
There is no storage at the Citadel. What you can do is to give some items to the new players at the beginning of the game following the rules. Remember you can exceed your purse weight limit until you want to do the move action
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Just don't do this, you are spoiling the game for yourself.
redmagnos a écrit : (Caveat: I found this while looking over the cards and haven't actually reached this spot in any of my playthroughs so maybe there is something earlier that makes this not be a problem.) Posté
If you sleeved all cards, check whether you didn't put in one sleeve with card 149...sometimes happens. It is unlikely they leave out just a single card since it comes on one sheet.
E999 a écrit : Am working through the “A New Beginning” threat. I am missing.card A0591 (card 150). While looking through cards in case it was somehow misplaced I have discovered another missing card A0624 card (175). I have been careful opening and storing cards. Posté
Well... some people interpret the rules blocked purse have no effect except its weight. And keywords are part of its effects. So no, blocked purse cards have no keywords.
(On the other hand though... some game effect check if you have a card with a specific keyword AND unblocked at the same time. This only makes sense if blocked cards can have keyword. So I am not sure myself.) Posté
Karbous a écrit : I think you are not allowed to play a skill cards during the Consequence part of the action = you cannot use a skill card, that you obtained as part of the consequence of an action, for that action. Again, it was already confirmed, that skills/purse cards can be used anytime during the action.LINK Posté
JackSpirio a écrit : I now played the next scenario with my proposed errata and it was way more interesting again, after it became a bit boring with that exploit. Let's wait for the official answer from Sarah, I'm really curious myself whether this is even an error or not. Posté
I think people should stop sending "errors" like this. First, they are not gameplay errors, at worst they are just typos which won't affect anything. Second, there is a high chance it is not even a typo since there are many many words which iare just different. This world has its own language.
Omg what? Do NOT take them apart! Why would you do that? Just rotate the discs and set the life.