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Hi - do each of the areas - represented by roman numerals - have a description, either official or unofficial?

For example, I think Area II could be "Forest".

I'm sure I saw a list somewhere, but I can't find anything by searching.

I have the base game (Classic) and expansions from the store, so I have most areas.
Hi - is it valid to take a Walk, Fly, or Snowshoe Action, and use the concept of moving to a “reachable terrain card” to effectively stay exactly where I started?

One reason to do this: I might draw an Action card which I decide to keep during the Skill step that helps me deal with an encounter on my terrain card that I couldn’t previously deal with, so I decide I didn’t want to leave it now I have a new skill card.

Specifically for A Prison of Clouds, there is an encounter card called
, which helps you to fly but in a different direction to the one you want to go (in the direction of the encounter card itself). So I could just use the help icons on that card to Fly back to where I started - obeying the continuous terrain rule - and discard
, thus avoiding its more expensive method of discarding it.

Is there an official ruling on being able to succeed a ‘move’ action and choose to stay where I am, if thematically I am actually walking out and back to where I started?