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I know it's been talked about elsewhere, but I don't think I ever had a satisfactory explanation:
Why do you have to kill the old man to get the sixth Clue?
I understand that is what must be done to get the card, but WHY? Why is that the only way?

I don't think I have ever seen a clue that tells you to do this (something like
"the old man stole my notes, damn him!"
would make it at least plausible, or that mentions that it should even be there.
Maybe the line about "offered him ... to thank him" is supposed to imply that the clue was given to the old man as a gift?
Is this a translation issue, that it is slightly incomplete information? Taking that action just felt really ... out of place. The other things you can get from that course of action make sense, but not that. I feel if there was one thing in this whole game I would change, it's that there would be an alternate way to get the sixth clue to the temple. Maybe
If the hut is empty, you can do an unlock action to take the clue from a hidden place? Or a secret number on one of the cards?
Has this changed with the new WGUMCD characters?