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Hi everyone! And thank you for the answer.
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[Watch out]:
You may discard one card with the keyword "predator" and take another card bearing the same number before choosing which card you keep. [Hunting ground]: If at least one involved character is bloody, you must discard one of these cards without the keyword "predator". Choose one of the remaining cards, which represents your catch. Which effect applies first? The order matter if I reveal two hunt results [White hare] and [Snake]. The next hunt result card that I am about to draw is [Empty handed]. Scenario A: I get to apply [Watch Out!] first. I could get rid of [Snake] and apply Bloody effect to remove [Empty handed] and get to eat [White hare]. Scenario B: Bloody effect applies first. I lose [White hare]. I use [Watch Out] to replace [Snake] with [Empty handed]. Then I go hungry. |