Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign4 messages |
Ages ago we were told we could change addresses before Wave 2, when will that be possible?
I already lost my playmat/upgrade cards to my move a couple months ago due to this (ex won't forward them to me even tho I will happily pay her for shipping..) and I really do not want Wave2 to be shipped multiple states away as well. And since there is certainly going to be another delay now, it should deff be possible for us to do it in time... right? Posté
SP said there'd be an opportunity to change your address before wave 2 shipping. Sucks about your stuff, but on the bright side you'll get new upgrade cards at least with wave 2.
Yeah, I know they said it'd be possible months ago, but am wondering when. Its a pain having to check constantly, and now with their botch job it's all up in the air as to when any thing will move forward.. Itd be nice if they at least opened that up for us so the company can get addresses set while they go back into printing.
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign4 messages |
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