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colin wrote: hi, maybe it helps if you concentrate of the wording seen on the card which causes the state. Curious -- What about if it said "the active player gets injured" and the person with the armor isn't the active player? Is the armor just useless in that circumstance, or can it always protect one person? Posted
All involved players, I think. Not 100% sure though, good question.
Yay! A goat.
IthilAlqua wrote: If SP wants to reward us for waiting, they could upload the rule-book for WGUMCD to the site, so we can read it and agonize about not playing That's a good idea... Posted
Depends on how you think about it I guess.
From a certain point of view, walking and hunting and walking and hunting is all you ever do. Curses give you a series of little objectives where you have to collect stuff from one corner of the map and bring it to another corner, or you have to save up for a difficult action, but they're all relatively small variations on "wander the island and try to survive." They encourage you to wander to different places, some give your wanderings more direction, others less so, but they don't really change anything fundamental about the island or what you do there. They share some points of interest, too, and the base game island isn't gigantic -- you'll visit a lot of the same places on your next three curses that you visited on your first one, either as part of an objective or just on your way from one objective to the next. Each curse only has about 20-30 cards dedicated to it alone. The other 900 or so are shared between all 4. 99% of the interesting stuff happening all the time isn't because of Goddess, it's just part of the island. It takes most people like a curse and a half or two curses to fully explore the island, at which point the game becomes more about optimization. Once you know where everything is, all four of the base game curses are pretty simple/easy, and the most fun way to play is with all 4 of them. Expansion curses are different. A lot of those take you to whole new areas that are otherwise inaccessible. Some of the curses are more interesting than others, though. Offering to the Guardians Offering gives you almost no objectives it all. You can think of it as a free-form exploration run with no real objective except to survive indefinitely. Some people think it's lame, your mileage may vary. More specifically: You have to amass piles of XP and visit the statues to dump it into your curse. You can get XP from just about anywhere and there's statues all over the map, so you can pretty much go wherever and do whatever, but if you want to make it into a little more of an objective, you can try to find a good fast way to grind XP. There's actually quite a few interesting strategies for this curse. Dark Chest of the Damned Dark Chest is sort of like a longer, harder, much meaner-spirited Goddess. You've got riddles to solve, places to visit, items to carry to the places they belong. Unlike Goddess, there are hard locked actions to attempt any stage of the quest. There's also no map and the riddles are much less helpful -- you need to know where you're going. Bloody Hunt Bloody Hunt is exactly what it sounds like. You just run around trying to kill all the monsters. The fights are harder than normal, and many of the monsters that count for Hunt are in very out-of-the-way, difficult-to-reach, dangerous, or secret locations, or they have to be trapped or stalked in some way to initiate the fight. There's monsters all over so you can pretty much plan your route however you like, you'll visit pretty much the whole island by the end. Posted
Its easy enough to make a curse card that won't stand out by printing it on regular thin paper and putting it in a sleeve with one of the curses you aren't playing.... Of course, that isn't the only hard thing about including a curse, you'd also have to come up with art for it.
It is indeed a new version!
So far I'm seeing terrain icons (sans seagulls as mentioned) and banner icons as new stuff. Also some changes to the readme, which has a more complete font list now (perhaps a little too complete, Plantagenet's on it twice.) Anybody noticed any other changes? Posted
I can verify every one of those issues I believe. Messages are indeed quite broken.
Posted - Edited
I can say with some confidence that there's no other Monsters in the black box. Somewhat disappointing IMO, I might add one in my own fan stuff. Posted
I could make you a nicer golden hand icon if you like. I understood what the intent of it is.
Another option would be a green hand with text saying it doesn't count against your green card limit. You could clean up Frankenstein's quest a little bit more with some numbers trickery. You get rid of the gold 782 entirely. In it's place, you can add a gold 399, a second version of Frankenstein's monster that has the "carry an item" ability. You either remove the ability to get rid of the second monster or make it even harder. Then, 782 can just say: "If the banished pile contains a card with the keyword monster, shuffle a banished card with the title "Forbidden Experiment" into the action deck and banish this." and his 780 can just say: "If you have a card with the keyword monster, banish this and take a 782." Posted
Excellent news indeed!
![]() One more for the list of "Things that are only available as part of the background that would be good to have separate because they go on top of the art" Posted
I like the idea.
No more places with carnivorous plants like 191, at least not in the base game, but there are a couple of other cards with dangerous or unusual plants. There are even a couple that I could argue are carnivorous. But they're not like the plants on 191, those are only on that card as far as I'm aware. Posted
Another icon that would be nice to get from WGUMCD:
The black hand used for "destiny cards" (the player roles in the traitor mode.) Posted - Edited
I agree this card is worded in a confusing way, but I don't think it actually needs errata, strictly speaking.
You apply the first sentence when you first read the card. It's like any other rules text on the numbered side of a green card -- you do it as soon as you take the card. This doesn't need to specify a timing to work, because it uses the default timing. I agree it might be clearer if it did specify a timing, but it doesn't actually need one. "back into the Action Deck" is a confusing choice of words, because it sort of implies that the card was coming from the Action Deck at the time this ability applies, but I don't think that's nearly enough to specify a timing. If I were to change the wording of this card, the most important change would be to remove "back" from this sentence. "When this gets revealed..." is a separate ability that specifies its timing. If you were meant to shuffle the 180 card back into the action deck when it is revealed from the action deck, you would shuffle it back into the deck as part of this ability. But it is not -- in fact, it is very specifically split off into a separate ability. So, I'm pretty sure you're playing it wrong, if you're shuffling it back into the action deck every time you reveal it. I'm pretty sure you only do the first ability when you take the card from the deck, just based on how the timings work -- to say nothing of the balance implications. Which, you're right, totally gamebreaking under that interpretation. Posted
That is the happiest ending I know about.
The wording of these cards is kind of a mess. The goat says to banish him if you use him, this is one of the only times you have to know that using a a banner counts as "using" a card. Then, to make matters worse, one of the two banner options explicitly says to banish the goat, and if you eat him you banish him as part of the consequence. So, the text that causes you to banish him if you use him only matters to that specific ending, it's redundant in both of the others. What a mess. Posted - Edited
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![]() Can anyone identify this font? I think it's also used for the roman numberals for area numbers. I don't think it's one of the ones mentioned in the readme, or in the other threads about fonts. Working theory is plantagenet cherokee, and I feel pretty good about it, but it'd be nice to have official confirmation. Posted
dill wrote: It would be useful to also have pure versions of card backgorunds (such as Adventure_front_Item_keyword.jpg or Adventure_front_SideQuest.jpg) I'd second the request for fully blank backgrounds with absolutely nothing on them. I'd also like to second the sentiment that I hope we don't seem ungrateful. It's amazing that you did the fankit at all, and it really is very good already. I'm just really enthusiastic about this, that's all. Posted
A few other missing things:
![]() This banner (we have the bottom half but not the top half. Built into backgrounds, but that's not ideal b/c it has to go overtop a full art card on curses at least.) ![]() This box (also exists as part of a a background, but has to be layered ontop of art on state cards.) ![]() Only one textbox exists in both success and failure versions. The other 4 sizes only seem to exist as one or the other. |