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This card allows to:
1: Return provision to return weakness 2: Return a gear to get another gear depending on the plant on the terrain Are these "actions" independent or 2) can be done only if 1) was activated? And why are these "action" using term "involved character" if those are not even action? Posted
You must choose the active player when there are several involved characters.
It happened to me numerous times that I couldn't find a card because I returned previously on the wrong place. E. g. I put 099 card behind the 100 divider (instead of before) or put somewhere else completely, for example card 234 to the place of 334, 105 to place 150 or similar number swaps. So when I can not find a card I check the whole game box, and I always find it.
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Mobigy wrote: How do you understand this Epic trait? according to the rules, no player can be active for two turns. but it makes no sense because according to the rules, an inactive player does not take part in the fight. The involved characters alternate who will be the active player who takes the fight action. Normally only one character can resolve the action, but: there are some effects, skills which apply to all involved characters and the non-active player can use some skill cards to affect the action of the active player. Posted
Mxyzptlk914 wrote: So, you think the 451s ho back at the end of the threat, so you can reuse the crown in the next threat? Of course. New threat is a new game, everything is put back to the game box, including banished cards. So you start the new threat as you started the first threat. Posted
Mxyzptlk914 wrote: What happens if you still have side deck 451 cards in play at the end of the game? End of game you mean after you finish the Threat? You return all the cards to the game box. Posted
You don't need to remember. Every time you read such a dialogue make a note on the citadel leaflet with the dialogue number. Then you will know which one you have already encountered.
zpneun wrote:
Strange because I don't have this experience. I know there are cards, which are blocked after use, but not the majority. There are also items which convert symbols to success not of companions! Some companions can convert any symbol to success and they don't get discarded at all. Posted
The inn is never blocked. It can be banished, in the past or in the tray.
Yes, you are right, the problem is the word "DURING" here. I think they meant BEFORE the first Gear-up step.
It does not need correction because there is no contradiction. This is not a purse card, so it is not selected, its effect is active automatically and because the card's effect always overrides the rulebook (in this case the leaflet), Ambush is simply ignored.
The problem only occurs when a PURSE card is intended to cancel Ambush (example card A0632), since it is not even selected with the current definition of Ambush (skip the first gear-up step). The solution is to change the definition of Ambush to Ignore selected purse card effects in the first gear-up step. Posted
Maybe they don't know yet how many cards will be unlocked at the end of the campaign? No other idea comes to my mind.
Posted - Edited
I always collected 7HRs in my every scenario during my second Threat. So yes, if you have life/time, you do stuff for the narrative/story or maybe some special items, not HR. Do not fear to explore the land further, it will come handy in subsequent scenarios.
The inner cog has 4 notches, so one turn of the crank shifts the cog 4 notches further.
Tarok wrote: thanks for the quick reply! would you mind helping me? i searched everywhere and i'm stuck I don't have the game in front of me, so I just work from my memory: go up until you can then turn right. You should see a similar tree on your terrain card. I think there is also a river right to that tree and a canyon above the tree Posted
You are doing nothing wrong, probably you did not find the correct tree. You just follow instruction and search further.
Also, this is not an error in the game, please move your topic in the General forum. Posted
It is equivalent. I think they want to make sure that the value is not just added but it is the new starting life.
I think "nested" actions are not allowed, you cannot start a new action until the previous is finished. Reading a paragraph is not an action per se, but personally I would finish the current action and read the paragraph after to not mix up things.