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Ren3 wrote: The infinite xp exploit (the Lovecraft one) also requires multiple insta-saves to work. Oh. I did not know that (did not want to spoiler myself, so did not read the spoilers). Thank you for that tidbit of information. Now I know that at least that one will be no issue for me or my gaming group! :) Posted
Or, and I'm just spitballing here...
...don't exploit this? I mean, this is not an error of the game. If you or your player (or any player, for that matter) deems it necessary to game the game in such a way, it is their own loss. I have no pity for anyone doing that... Posted
Good hint.
I have not played the game, yet, so I was not sure if this is a situation that could naturally occur (like an infinite loop). I never read read the spoilers, so that I can fully enjoy the gameplay, but I also implement any fix and errata immediately, in order to guarantee that no snags will appear. Now, that obviously does not prevent us from stumbling upon something that has not been discovered, yet, but it helps prevent problems that have. :) So this is something that CAN be exploited. Good to know. Until an official fix is mentioned, I will see to it that it is not, when we finally get to play the game... :) Posted
It all depends on how much new stuff will be in the new KS, where they already are regarding creation/testing of the fixed content (without SGs, I mean), if they have the capacity to work on it fulltime, etc. It will probably not take as long as the first KS, as the base game is finished.
Firstly, I love that you put the corrected card faces up for download, so that we can print them and use them as proxies, so to speak. Thank you for this awesome service! However, I just today found that you switched the former jpeg format to pdf. While certainly not a bad idea, I preferred the jpeg format, as I could then put more than one of the cards on one page (e.g. in Word) and print 6 of them on one sheet of paper. Less cumbersome to store the data, and also more economic regarding printouts. Now, I am not suggesting you switch it back, but could you maybe offer both formats?? Posted
Ah. Makes sense.
Anyways, thank you so much for the fix. Never expected it to be so quickly (if at all). :) Awesome points for you!!! :-D |