Forums/ The 7th Continent/ General16 posts
Posted - Edited
Hi cursed guys,

I created a google sheet to report a saved game, so the game can be reset to start a new game with another group.

This system has many advantages:
- 10 min to save
- dynamic ID card recognition
- as many party as you want
- works on PC/smartphone/tablet with google sheet app
- No risk to lost the file, since saved on your google account

Feel free to test (:icon_hand_orange: It contain minor spoilers, like Victor skill or state cards .)
Link to the doc

It handles English/French. But since I only have the French version, I did basic translation on the Action Deck cards.
I would appreciate any feedback or support on the translation (only the action cards, I don't plan to do ALL the cards :-P )

Hope you will like :cheerful:
Citadel multiple_version 1/3 sandglass 26h --- Continent flag_curse_sm 12/12 sandglass 100h
Créations: flag_curse_sm La Chambre Oubliée icon_journal Curieux Observateur
Du fanmade pour 7th Citadel ? Bien sur que j'y travaille ;-)
:O Wow. Impressive! It looks great. And bilingual! :thumb_up:

You must have put quite a lot of work into this. :action_think:

I think if I ever want to do multiple saves, I will be very thankful. :action_pray:

Would you like some help with the english cards you have not translated?
krbj wrote:
:O Wow. Impressive! It looks great. And bilingual! :thumb_up:

You must have put quite a lot of work into this. :action_think:

I think if I ever want to do multiple saves, I will be very thankful. :action_pray:


Thank you :happy:

Kelmor wrote:
Would you like some help with the english cards you have not translated?

Yes, but more the orginal text on cards than a translation, since I guess some times it is not just litteral way.

Next feature is a way to export on pdf, so the save can be printed and kept into the box.
Citadel multiple_version 1/3 sandglass 26h --- Continent flag_curse_sm 12/12 sandglass 100h
Créations: flag_curse_sm La Chambre Oubliée icon_journal Curieux Observateur
Du fanmade pour 7th Citadel ? Bien sur que j'y travaille ;-)
Looks very cool! What's the best way to give you updates on the English wording?
I found into the deep, insane and dark internet the list of skills I missed in English (ok, I mean on BGG) :-P

Since I had not the associeted ID, I managed to link them to the french version.
Yet, I need your help for these 2, can you give their ID ?
- Fire-making kit
- Friction fire

I can guess, but I'm not 100% sure.
Citadel multiple_version 1/3 sandglass 26h --- Continent flag_curse_sm 12/12 sandglass 100h
Créations: flag_curse_sm La Chambre Oubliée icon_journal Curieux Observateur
Du fanmade pour 7th Citadel ? Bien sur que j'y travaille ;-)
SaturnNitrik wrote:
Since I had not the associeted ID, I managed to link them to the french version.
Yet, I need your help for these 2, can you give their ID ?
- Fire-making kit
- Friction fire

A0051 Friction fire
A0054 Fire-making kit
krbj wrote:

A0051 Friction fire
A0054 Fire-making kit

It was my guess!
Thank you krbj :thumb_up:
Citadel multiple_version 1/3 sandglass 26h --- Continent flag_curse_sm 12/12 sandglass 100h
Créations: flag_curse_sm La Chambre Oubliée icon_journal Curieux Observateur
Du fanmade pour 7th Citadel ? Bien sur que j'y travaille ;-)
Amazing initiative!

Serious Poulp should release an official version of this, since the biggest gap of the game is its inability to play with different groups concurrently.

Can I suggest that you remove the extra tabs that are pre existing saves in the Google Sheet? It took me a while to realize I could delete them. Also, the Export tab doesn’t work properly for me...
scottsicles wrote:
... Also, the Export tab doesn’t work properly for me...

Use the name of the new tab you made, Not the name you fill in on the tab. That's what I did wrong anyway :)
Dzjeej wrote:
scottsicles wrote:
... Also, the Export tab doesn’t work properly for me...

Use the name of the new tab you made, Not the name you fill in on the tab. That's what I did wrong anyway :)

Doesn't work.

Right now in the Export tab of the main Google Sheet available for copy, it says "SAVE GAME" in red, the cell to the right of it says "DSV" and isn't formatted properly. And the cell to the right of that has a broken red outline. And the cells below this section are each merged differently. Something tells me this section has been broken by someone. Because it doesn't work for me when I replace DSV with the tab name.
I fixed the "Save Name" cell format.

I did quick test and it works.

Please try again :-)
Citadel multiple_version 1/3 sandglass 26h --- Continent flag_curse_sm 12/12 sandglass 100h
Créations: flag_curse_sm La Chambre Oubliée icon_journal Curieux Observateur
Du fanmade pour 7th Citadel ? Bien sur que j'y travaille ;-)
Thanks! It works now!
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ General16 posts